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Need help turbo charging my B30 1800E

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Should I just turbo charge b30 or Chevy V8?  

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  1. 1. Should I just turbo charge b30 or Chevy V8?

    • Turbo 6
    • Cheverolet v8

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Greatings all, I would like help in turbo charging my 1972 1800E with a 1974 164 B30F engine, M410 transmission, and 1031 rear axle w/ 3.31:1 ratio that I built 30 years ago. I have seen a few forums of turbo charged 164's but I do not think that I have enough room to install like they show.


I thought that I could use the stock exhaust manifolds and run exhaust tubes under the engine, in front of the cross-member and mount the turbo on the driver's side on top of the steering box. Maybe then run the boosted air into an inter cooler mounted under the front bumper, and plumb the cooled air into the stock intake?


I have seen turbo charged Corvettes where they mount the turbo in the back of the car were the muffler should be and then plumb the compressed air up to the engine compartment without using an inter cooler.


To make enough room for the inter cooler in front, I am willing to mount the engine radiator in the trunk of the car.


I don't know anything about turbo charging and was thinking of just using the complete system out of a 5 cylinder Volvo and installing a Megasquirt computer.


USA B30F engine has 8.7:1 compression and I hope that I don't have to do anything drastic to the engine other then maybe larger exhaust valves with hardened exhaust seats and a better cam. I have been to KG Trimnings web site, but I can not read Swedish.


I also plan on installing the 164's front suspension which will give me more room around the upper control arms.


Thanks for any advice.


Hilsen alle, jeg ønsker hjelp i turbo belaste mitt 1972 1800E med en 1974 164 B30F motor, M410 overføring, og 1031 bakre aksel m / 3.31:1 ratio at jeg bygd 30 år siden. Jeg har sett noen få fora av turbo belastet 164's, men jeg tror ikke at jeg har nok plass til å installere som de viser.


Jeg trodde at jeg kunne bruke lager exhaust manifolds og kjøre eksos rør under motoren, foran korset-medlem og montere turbo på førerens side på toppen av styringsgruppen. Kanskje deretter kjøre den økte luft inn i en inter-kjøler montert i front støtfanger og lodd den avkjølte luften i aksjemarkedet inntak?


Jeg har sett turbo belastet Corvettes hvor de montere turbo på baksiden av bilen var skjerf skal være og deretter lodd komprimert luft til motoren avdeling uten å bruke en inter-kjøler.


For å sikre nok rom for den inter kulere i front, jeg er villig til å montere motoren radiator på stammen av bilen.


Jeg vet ikke noe om turbo lading og tenkte bare å bruke hele systemet ut av et 5-sylinder Volvo og installere en Megasquirt datamaskinen.


USA B30F motoren har 8.7:1 compression og jeg håper at jeg slipper å gjøre noe drastisk for motor andre og kanskje større eksos ventiler med hardnet eksos seter og bedre cam. Jeg har vært på KG Trimnings nettsted, men jeg kan ikke lese svensk.


Jeg har også planer om å installere 164 står foran suspensjon som vil gi meg mer plass rundt den øverste kontroll armer.


Takk for alle råd.






















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Tricky this one, you really have a narrow space to work with.. You have to consider the turbotemperature so you don't melt any of the components around also.. I would almost suggest a fiberglass hood with a scoop to fit the turbocharger so you get enough clearance.. Not that I am any expert on these things..


Actually I just wanted to comment that car of yours, that was the meanest looking P1800 I've ever seen! :) Really cool, I bet it turn heads in California also?!


Its almost a shelby cobra lookalike with roof.. Sure you don't want to go for a fully chrome dressed 350 engine with sidepipes instead?


That would really be awesome in that ride.. ;)

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Thanks for the kind words. I have thought hard about a Chevy V8, with its rear sump oil pan, it should fit over the front suspension cross-member with out too much hacking and the 164's transmission tunnel should clear a T56 6 speed transmission. I would also use the 8.8" independent rear suspension out of a Ford Thunderbird with shortened half shafts used in the Factory Five Cobra replicar. Thats going to be a lot of weight sitting over the front tires though.


Mostly, I thought that if I could get an easy 250HP, that would be enough for me. The trouble is that the on-line Google translator does not work to well and I am having trouble understanding Norwegian. Any real life translators out there?


Takk for den hyggelige tilbakemeldingen. Jeg har tenkt hardt om en Chevy V8, med sin bakre sump oil pan, det skal passe over front oppheng kryss-medlem med ut for mye hacking og 164 er overføring tunnelen burde klare en T56 6 hastighet overføring. Jeg vil også bruke 8,8 "uavhengige bak suspensjonen av en Ford Thunderbird med forkortet halv sjakter brukt i fabrikken Fem Cobra replicar. Dvs kommer til å være mye vekt sitte over front dekk though.


Det meste, jeg tenkte at hvis jeg kunne få en enkel 250HP, det ville være nok for meg. Den problemer er at on-line Google oversetter ikke virker for godt og jeg har problemer med å forstå norsk. Alle virkelige liv oversettere der ute?







Also, I just wanted to get this thing going again so that I can start on my dream car that I have been designing for 30 years. How does this look?


I tillegg har jeg bare ønsket å få dette ting som går igjen, slik at jeg kan begynne på min drømme bil som jeg har vært designer i 30 år. Hvordan virker dette ser?





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I really think you should go for the 350 setup and those parts you have been thinking of, and get the car back in the shape it once was. It really is a special and wellbuildt car and it deserves some love and care before it rusts away..

It has a 2 tone paint, or does it just look like it is on the pictures?

Wonder how that would look in a 2 tone candy green?! Just a thought.. :p

But you really have to stop the rust before it gets too far! Heaven forbid.. :) This could be a potential showcar with just the right touches. :)


And that other design project of yours looks really futuric. Maybe a little too futuric after my taste, I am just a big fan of classic cars and customizing those.. :) But that car would really be a cool ride to show up in too. Thinking about electric driven engine in that? I picture me that as a "silent glider".. :)

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Thanks for the advice stig73camroZ28. The car is two tone, it was originally painted DuPont Imron metallic gold, but when I welded in the steel flares, I took it to a paint shop that painted the molested sheet metal in a tan brown for $100. I will probably repaint it one tone gold again, but maybe candy apple red or sapphire blue over a brilliant white base.


I also plan to install a 2”x4” perimeter tube frame with a 10 point 1 ¾” roll cage before I start fixing the rust and redo and raise the flares so that I can lower the car farther.


I will also have to change out the brake master cylinder to make room for any thing I do. Possibly the hydraulically boosted kind like FINNI has on his 164.


Front spindles will be dropped either be 164’s modified by cutting off the bearing axle stub, and welding on a plate to bolt on Chevy S10 4x4 hub assembles, or dropped spindles for a late model Dodge b body converted from rear steer to front steer from Fat Mans Fabrication which are the correct height (7.5”) and steering axis inclination (8 degrees). Also new ball joint sleeves that are readily available



Front Brake disks are either stock 164’s 10.75x.93” or Wilwood 11.75x.81” and the stock calipers because I want to keep Volvo’s neat double redundant cross braking.


Tires are either Maxxis MA-S1 in 265/50-15” and 295/50-15” or Nitto drag radials in 275/50-15” and 325/50-15” or Sumitomo 275/40-17” and 315/35-17” on 9.5” and 11” Corvette ZR1 wheels and really deep wheel adapters.


The 8 wheeled thing will have a giant USA big block sitting over the back set of front axles with a NASCAR tube frame with vault pinned swinging door bars. It sounds like I will need over 1000hp to go 250MPH to be the world's fastest street car. I have to find a virtual wind tunnel to find out if it will stick like glue or flip over backwards though.



Takk for rådet stig73camroZ28. Bilen er to tone, det ble opprinnelig malt DuPont Imron metallic gull, men når jeg sveiset i stål fakler, jeg fant den til en Paint Shop som malte molested Sheet metal i en tan brun for $ 100. Jeg vil sannsynligvis repaint det en tone gull igjen, men kanskje candy apple rød eller blå safir over en brilliant hvit.


Jeg har også tenkt å installere en 2 "x4" perimeteren tube ramme med en 10 punkt 1 ¾ "rulle buret før jeg starter innfesting av rust og gjøre om og øke fakler slik at jeg kan senke bilen lenger.


Jeg vil også måtte endres ut brake master sylinder for å få plass til noen ting jeg gjør. Mulig det hydraulically økte slag som FINNI har på sin 164.


Front spindler vil bli droppet enten være 164 er endret ved å kutte av den bærende aksel Stub, og sveise på en plate til bolten på Chevy S10 4x4 hub assembles, eller kuttet spindler for en sen modell Dodge b kroppen konvertert fra bakre styre til forsiden styre fra Fat Mans Fabrication som er riktig høyde (7,5 ") og styringsgruppe aksen helling (8 grader). Også nye kuleleddet sleeves som er lett tilgjengelig



Front Brake disker er enten lager 164's 10.75x.93 "eller Wilwood 11.75x.81" og lager calipers fordi jeg ønsker å beholde Volvo's neat doble redundante tvers oppbremsing.


Dekk er enten Maxxis MA-S1 i 265/50-15 "og 295/50-15" eller Nitto dra radials i 275/50-15 "og 325/50-15" eller Sumitomo 275/40-17 "og 315 / 35-17 "på 9,5" og 11 "Corvette ZR1 hjul og virkelig dypt hjulet adaptere.


Den 8 hjul ting vil ha en gigantisk USA stor blokk sitter over ryggen sett med front aksler med en NASCAR tube ramme med hvelv låste døren svingende barer. Det høres ut som jeg må over 1000hp å gå 250MPH å bli verdens raskeste gate bil. Jeg må finne en virtuell vind tunnel for å finne ut om den staven som lim eller flip over bakover though.







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Ok… ja, det er nå 10:00 lokal tid, og jeg har hatt noen få Rums på meg og det er på tide å vent om Volvo. Først av alt, takk for at du gav meg bli med på forumet, jeg prøvde å komme inn i Volvo 164 Club i Sverige, men de har aldri svart på min e-post. Jeg er også medlem av Turbo-klosser, men de gjør ikke har noen erfaring i B30 motorer som jeg trenger.


Jeg har alltid prided meg for å bygge 1800 at Volvo aldri ville, og jeg vil aldri tilgi Volvo for å forlate en av nicest og vakreste biler noensinne bygget. Det er utrolig lett som jeg, en ung idiot lure på alder av 22, uten noen mekaniske ferdigheter, verktøy eller hjelpe bygget 1800 at Volvo alltid bør ha fortsatt amazes meg selv. Tenker tilbake, jeg tror fremdeles at jeg skulle ha begrenses til 164's gulvet pan 1,5 "og forkortet det 14" og stakk det under 1800-kroppen med en vippe opp nesen.


I 1800 ble i utgangspunktet laget for å ha 164 kjøretur tog fylt inn i den. Etter å flytte batteriet inn i stammen og flytte varmeapparat montering i batteriet befinner seg, B30-motoren og overføring droppet retten i etter kuttet ut overføring tunnel og erstatte den med 164. Jeg kuttet den etterfølgende arm parentes fra 1800 bakre aksel og sveiset dem inn på 164 i 1031 bak slutten, og det passer som en hanske er bare 1,5 "større. The front halvparten av de 164 er driveshaft passer perfekt sammen med teleoperatøren føringer og bakre aksel bare trengte å bli forkortet 14 ".


Den eneste dårlige problemet var å stappe den tilpassede bygget radiator i nesen av bilen og foran kryss medlemmets motor monterer burde ha blitt flyttet, men jeg bare gjennom-boltede solid dem i stedet. Jeg selv brukte to sett av 164 eksos rør hele veien tilbake til bakre støtfanger til stede dobbel eksos.


Total vekt er bare ca 2600 #?


Så… etter å eie tre 164, to 245-tallet, en 1800ES, og dette 1800E, for noen grunn l aldri vil ikke hvorfor jeg fortsatt ønsker å beholde den Volvo drevet.


Så, hvor mye HP kan en turbo B30 gjøre uten å bruke en million kroner?


Turbo eller V8?


Også det fortsatt kjører.


Husk å slå opp volumn. Støy er fra det som er igjen av den tilpassede bakre svaie bar gjennomtrukket rod ender og shaking er .05 "ut av runden sveiset og redrilled aksler og huber. Høyeste hastighet ble 120MPH @ 5000rmp i fjerde gear og redd det crap ute av meg selv.


Ok…so, it is now 10:00 local time and I have had a few Rums in me and it is time to vent about Volvo. First of all, thanks for letting me join your forum, I tried to get into the Volvo 164 Club of Sweden, but they have never replied to my E-mail. I am also a member of Turbo Bricks, but they don’t have any experience in B30 engines like I need.


I have always prided myself for building the 1800 that Volvo never would and I will never forgive Volvo for abandoning one of the nicest and most beautiful cars ever built. The ease with which I, a young idiot fool at the age of 22, with no mechanical abilities, tools or help built the 1800 that Volvo always should have still amazes myself. Thinking back, I still think that I should have narrowed the 164’s floor pan 1.5” and shortened it 14” and stuck it under the 1800s body with a tilt up nose.


The 1800 was basically made to have the 164’s drive train stuffed into it. After moving the battery into the trunk and moving the heater assembly into the battery’s location, the B30 engine and transmission dropped right in after cutting out the transmission tunnel and replacing it with the 164’s. I cut off the trailing arm brackets from the 1800’s rear axle and welded them onto the 164’s 1031 rear end and it fit like a glove being only 1.5” wider. The front half of the 164’s driveshaft fit perfectly along with the carrier bearing and the rear shaft only needed to be shortened 14”.


The only bad issue was having to cram the custom built radiator into the nose of the car and the front cross member’s motor mounts should have been relocated, but I just through-bolted solid ones instead. I even used two sets of 164 exhaust pipes all of the way back to the rear bumper for true dual exhaust.


Total weight is only about 2600#?


So…after owning three 164’s, two 245’s, an 1800ES, and this 1800E, for some reason l will never no why, I still want to keep it Volvo powered.


So, how much HP can a turbo B30 make without spending a million Kroner?


Turbo or V8?


Also, it still runs.


Be sure to turn up the volumn. Noise is from what is left of the custom rear sway bar threaded rod ends and the shaking is the .05” out of round welded and redrilled axles and hubs. Top speed was 120MPH @ 5000rmp in fourth gear and scared the crap out of myself.

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I see you have really put some hours of serious thought into this allready:) You have all the details you need to put the V8 in there, with the proper brakes and all. And with the new paint and wheels you will take this car to a new level, well above what Volvo ever acheived. Well, you probably allready have done that.. But I can really see it before me, with the chevy engine, new paint and nice chrome.. And that shaker airscoop on that grey P1800 was really cool. But it should have been a rounder shape instead of that pointy style I think. To match the shape of the grill.. More like the air intake on the cobra I think. That would look really nice.


I really like apple candy red, infact I am using that colour on my -67 Volvo Amazon.. Over a gold base, to get the right glow to it in the sun. Perhaps that would look good on your car aswell?! And even maybe keep the two tone with apple candy and ordinary candy-red?! ;)

I am even thinking about airbrushing something under the apple candy, to get a ghost like effect on it. Some sculls a la Mike Lavalle perhaps;) I am just a newbie with the airbrush, but I would like to test out that effect to see if it works like I imagine.. That was off topic, but I hope that it function as inspiration to you anyway;)


And by the way.. That google translator.. It's really not working too well! :p lol

If I couldn't read your english I would not have a clue what you were talking about, most of the time anyway.. hehe

There are just alot of phrases there that doesn't exist in Norwegian, and makes it a pretty hard reading overall.. :)


But most norwegians know english pretty well, so I don't think understanding you is the biggest problem. But I can understand you having problems with finding the proper help you need, as most of the forums you need are either in Norwegian or Swedish..


That's another reason why you want to build it with the real deal, American parts dude;) hehe

I know you like to keep the Volvo machine, but I don't understand why.. :p I bet the B30 consumes more fuel than a 350cid would.. But it wont perform nearly as good, not even with a turbo I think..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a crude drawing of the 164's front suspension that I traced over from the owner's manual. I still need to lower the suspension and try to figure out the roll axis.


Right now, the stock 1800 front suspension is so low that I have only 1/2" clearance to the cut-in-half bump stops, which probably gives me 1" of suspension compression and I wonder what kind of geometry I have.


I also used to have a 164 that was lowered and I wonder if I didn't have more clearance between the lower control arm and the spring bucket, but maybe I didn't have it lowered as much.


I have also recently read bad things from people that have used lowered spindles on American pony cars, so maybe I will just go the chopped-down spring route.


Does anybody have experience with 140 types of race cars and their suspensions?


Also, is the turbo out of a 740 going to be big enough for a 3 liter 6 cylinder?




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...



If I were you, I'd go for the 20 valve 5 cylinder Volvo 850/v70 turbo engine known as T5. The engine codes for this engine is B5234FT, B5234T, B5234T3 depending on which year, and if it is from a 850 or v70 etc. Some of them (like the B5234T4 and 5)even has Variable valve timing, thus making them more complex.


You should go for just the "T" or "T3" from around '96 to '98 because they got distributor making it less complex, and they all got 225Hp and a ton of torque, stock :D


(best engine sound ever too!)

740 bruksbil: B230F med 11:1, KG004, porting og heimsnekkra eksos.

Bil/motorbygge på gang.

Sersjant/lærlingebefal @ Motorverksted Andøya flystasjon (skrur motor på Orionflyene)

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