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Getaway In Stockholm 5

Ranger emnet


Anbefalte innlegg

Movie type : Streetrace

Source : DVD

Release Date: 2004-11-01

Aspect Ratio: 1.69

Running Time: 58 Min

Rating : 8 of 10

URL : http://www.getawayinstockholm.com/



# of Files : 49x15MB

Size : 699 MB


Video Resolution : 592 x 352

AVG Video Bitrate : 1530 kbit

AVG Audio Bitrate : 150 kbit



Movie Info:


Mr X, the worlds most famous traffic violator is back in town! This time

in a car well known from the movie The Fast and the Furious, a supertuned

Mazda Rx-7 pushed to the limit. Together with a friend in a just as fast

supercar they show that after sunset in Stockholm another life begins where

they own the streets, sometimes at speeds up to 300 km/h. Watch this great

documentary of awesome fast cars, streetracing, car stunts, races and babes

- fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!


Rippers note:


Here is all the extras you have been waiting for! Enjoy!



Kjør hardt kjør stil, kjør VW bil...


2007 VW Golf GT

x 1998 VW Golf GTI

x 1989 VW Golf GTI

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det er kun extramaterialet som er verdt å se ja.... dessverre..

"It's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know!"


1988 bmw 525 turbo (watch out)

1994 Nissan Skyline GTS-T (overnight parts from japan)

1992 Mazda Rx7 Type R (apexi, greddy, blitz, öhlins,haltech,REamamiya(selges) nå c-west++ ) Snart f***ing fast.

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