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Innlegg skrevet av Mustang95

  1. http://www.sfifoundation.com/DecertificationNotice03-26-10.pdf




    SFI Foundation, Inc., has issued a Notice of Decertification; Notice of Cease and Desist, and a notice terminating all Contracts of Participation to Impact Racing. Effective April 27, 2010, all products manufactured and/or distributed by Impact Racing pursuant to SFI Specification Programs 3.2A, 3.3, 16.1, and 16.5 are decertified. Evidence obtained by SFI shows that over a period of years Impact Racing has engaged in the production and use of counterfeit SFI conformance labels and patches, and affixed them to Impact products for use in motorsports. Under the Contracts of Participation between SFI and Impact, SFI conformance labels and patches may only be obtained from SFI and no other source. Evidence shows that Impact had counterfeit SFI labels and patches made in Asia and then affixed them to Impact products it distributed to members of the racing community. To SFI’s knowledge, Impact never advised its customers that its products contained phony SFI labels and patches. Impact never advised SFI of its systematic and longstanding practice of counterfeiting and distributing SFI patches and labeling.


    Impact has been directed to cease and desist from this practice. SFI has directed Impact to immediately notify all affected customers to remove the counterfeit labeling and to offer the affected customers a full refund of the purchase price. SFI is requesting that all counterfeit conformance labels removed from Impact products be sent to SFI.


    SFI has elected not to decertify these products immediately in order to minimize the potential hardships to members of the racing community that have been brought about by Impact’s counterfeiting activities.

  2. Kjørecomputeren bør du ta med en klype salt, spesielt hvis du har en boks installert. Bruk tripteller og mengden på pumpa til å regne ut gjennomsnittsforbruk.


    Kjørecomputer'n er kun for referangse når jeg er ute og kjører, er når jeg fyller opp jeg vet litt mere.

  3. Rundt 1600rpm, kan lett justeres.

    Hva trur du skjer når den kun har vært i noen timer, hehe. Gi meg noen dager så finner jeg det ut. I følge "Instant Fuel" på dash'n så ligger det litt lavere, alt fra 0.0L pr mil til 3.3L pr mil. Den siste skal sies at ikke er under helt normal kjøring. Normalt har det ligget fra 0.0L - 1.5L pr mil på "Instant Fuel" på kjørecomputer'n.

  4. Dæven å forskjell det er da, enda er den ikke mye over minimum.

    Hadde litt problemer med å finne pluggen siden den var under og bak masse. Tok ca 5-10min fra sendt email til jeg fikk svar og bedre forklaring enn den mappa de har laget.

    Fikk til og med pose med Gummi bjørner fra Haribo :)

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